Casein sensitivity

What is Casein sensitivity?

Casein is a protein found in milk and other dairy products. A casein allergy occurs when your body mistakenly identifies casein as a threat to your body. Your body then triggers a reaction in an attempt to fight it off.

Signs of Casein sensitivity

  • Rashes
  • Breathing problems
  • Severe pain
  • Food malabsorption
  • Vomiting
  • Anaphylaxis

What causes a casein allergy?

Casein allergies are most common in infants and young children. This allergy occurs when the immune system mistakes casein as something the body needs to fight off. This triggers an allergic reaction.

Infants who are breastfed are at a lower risk of developing a casein allergy. Experts aren’t completely sure why some infants develop a casein allergy while others don’t, but they believe genetics may play a role.

Usually, a casein allergy will go away by the time a child reaches 3 to 5 years of age. Some children never outgrow their casein allergy and may have it into adulthood.

Foods to avoid with a casein allergy include, but are not limited to:

  • All forms of milk
  • Butter, margarine and 
  • Yogurt
  • Cheese and anything containing cheese
  • Ice cream,
  • Cream 
  • Pudding, custard

Casein can also be in other foods and products that contain milk or milk powder, such as crackers and cookies. Casein can also be found in less obvious foods, such as nondairy creamers and flavorings. This makes casein one of the more difficult allergens to avoid.

This means it’s very important for you to read food labels carefully and ask what’s in certain foods before buying or eating it. At restaurants, make sure you alert your server about your casein allergy before ordering food.

You should avoid products that contain milk or may have been exposed to foods containing milk if you or your child has a casein allergy. A food’s ingredients list will state this.

Additionally, some food packaging may voluntarily list statements such as “may contain milk” or “made in a facility with milk.” You should avoid these foods as well because they may contain traces of casein.